Why You Should Be Working For Yourself Online, Building Your Own Digital Business, Instead Of For Someone Else (and The Best Way To Do It)

In November 2020, the unemployment rate was at 6.7 percent. More than 10.7 million people were unemployed. In addition to people who are unemployed because of the economy, some workers were laid off, and there are those who wish to change careers.

If you were let go, this can be your greatest opportunity and the best thing that ever happened to you; and If you are unhappy with your current job, you have the power to quit and become your own boss.

By starting your own business, you can escape from the rat race and pursue not just your dreams, but your deepest desires; you can follow your heart, your instinct, what you somehow, deep down, already know is the right path for you, even if it’s against others’ expectations, and find your purpose. Building a business allows you to work on your own terms.

Thanks to the digital revolution, online business and entrepreneurship opportunities are widely available. Even if you do not already have the ability/knowledge to start an online business today, you can easily hone your digital skills through training options like the Six Figure Mentors (SFM) program (and this FREE 4-part video training series is our recommended way for you to get started).

Why Do People Want to Leave Their Jobs?

People leave their jobs for a variety of different reasons.

  • They do not feel like their work contributes to the company’s overall mission.
  • Workers feel unappreciated by their managers.
  • They feel bored and uninterested in their work.
  • There are problems with the employee’s boss.
  • Employees want opportunities to use all of their skills.
  • They lack close relationships with their co-workers.
  • Workers want more independence and autonomy.
  • Employees feel like they do not fit in with the company’s culture.

While many people quit their jobs because of a bad boss, there is another major reason why workers decide to move on. People leave when they stop enjoying themselves at work. When they can no longer grow in their careers, employees will move on.

If you feel like your strengths are not being used, you are not alone. Whether you are looking for a more rewarding career or a better salary, there are options available that can help you achieve your goals. An online business allows you to work from home on your own terms, doing work you love.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Steve Jobs

The Benefits of Starting an Online Business

Starting an online business offers personal and professional benefits. As an online entrepreneur, you can set your own schedule and work in your pajamas. If you want to work from a sandy beach in the Bahamas, you can. When you need a day off for a soccer game or a doctor’s appointment, you do not have to get approval from a boss.

There are also a lot of emotional rewards in running your own company. After you leave your old job, you get to be independent. Your time is yours again. More importantly, you can choose projects that are personally rewarding. Instead of just working to earn a paycheck, you can work toward your dreams. On the way you add more value not only in your own life, but in the life of other people around you, and, further on, in your sphere of influence.

The benefits of an online business extend far beyond personal advantages. While a brick-and-mortar shop entails significant overhead costs, an online business does not carry the same expenses. This means it is far easier for an entrepreneur to start a business online than it is for them to start a traditional company.

Enjoy Having Low Overhead

With an online business, you can enjoy having low overhead costs. You do not have to pay for retail space or sign an office lease. In addition, you generally do not have to spend money storing your inventory and materials. If you work with a manufacturer to create a manufacture-to-order arrangement, you can reduce your overhead costs significantly. Depending on the business model of your choice, you may, actually, not have much of an inventory or materials to speak of, in the first place.

Simplify Your Transactions

When you operate a traditional business, you have to send out invoices each month. Then, you have to wait for the client to receive the invoice, write a check and send the payment back to you. All of these steps take time. When you operate an online company, you can get immediate payments for your products and services. You can accept online payments through credit cards, PayPal and debit cards.

Discover Better Scalability

Scalability is important if you plan on growing your income. Online businesses are easy to scale because they have a low physical footprint. When you run an online business, you generally do not have to invest in a second warehouse or manufacturing plant when you decide to expand. Instead, you can easily outsource your additional workers through sites like Upwork and/or Fiverr. As your client base expands, you can easily increase the size of your company.

Reduce Your Marketing Costs

Retailers often advertise their products in weekly newspapers and television advertisements. When you run an online business, people generally expect you to advertise online. Fortunately, advertising with Google, Facebook and other online companies is relatively inexpensive (not to mention that you can be laser-focused regarding the audience/people you are targeting with your ads). Basically, with Google Ads, you simply target people who are searching for certain keywords. You can also directly buy advertising space on websites.

Reach a Global Market

When you run a traditional shop, you can only sell products to people who live in the surrounding area. With an online business, you can bring in revenue from around the world. Thanks to the internet, these sales can come in at any hour of the day. Even when you are sleeping, your company can continue to earn money. While you can always target specific regions if you want to, you can also enjoy the advantages of having a global consumer base.

Discover Unlimited Freedom

Working online means that you do not have to be tied down to an office. You can work from home or travel the world. Thanks to business apps and VoIP communication systems, you can run your company from any location that has an internet connection. Many entrepreneurs find this independence and freedom extremely empowering. If you need a flexible schedule, becoming an online entrepreneur is a good choice.

Gain Job Security

Initially, your online career may be less secure than your previous job. Over time, your online business will actually offer better security. When you work online, you can diversify your client base and revenue streams. With a normal career, you lose all of your money if you lose your job. When you work online, you can lose a single client and still have a strong revenue stream coming in each month.

Work on Projects You Are Passionate About

One of the reasons why people leave their normal jobs is because they are not doing something they care about. If you are going to work 40 hours a week, you need to like what you are doing. By working online, you can pick projects you are passionate about. You can also pursue your interests and hobbies as a part of your career.

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

Teddy Roosevelt

Take Control of Your Earnings

When you work for a boss, your boss controls your paycheck. Even if you are the best employee in the world, your boss may choose not to give you a raise or promotion. As an entrepreneur, you are in control of how much money you make. If you want to earn six figures, you can start new marketing plans or product lines. Your financial future is in your control.

How to Start Running an Online Business

Before you can run a successful business online, you have to figure out what you want to do. Are you interested in selling customized products? Do you want to offer services like copywriting or website design? You can sell a range of online services or products, so you should take some time to consider your unique abilities. If you already have skills you can market online, you can immediately get started on your business. There are also training programs that can help you learn skills like programming, editing, website development and app design. While some people like to use affiliate marketing to grow their revenue, other entrepreneurs build online agencies and offer consulting services. Because your skills and goals are highly unique, your business model should be just as unique.

Being unique does not mean that you have to invent the wheel. There are certain business models that you can choose to go after (at the beginning you should choose to focus on one of them), and there are people who have already been successful and can act as your mentors, either directly or indirectly by you modeling what they have done.

If you are unclear as to what your options are and what you want to do, let me assure you, this is, in fact, quite normal. If it is the case, then our FREE 4-part video training series (3 Workshops plus 1 Webinar “How To Make Your First 10k Online”) is exactly what you need. Not only will you get clarity on what is possible online (including 2 business models you can start with immediately) but, should you choose to continue your training, you will have access to some of the topmost, most comprehensive training resources to develop your digital skills, and, maybe even more importantly, you will have the mentors you need on your side to guide you every step of the way.

How Does the SFM Program Work?

The SFM program is designed for anyone wishing to get away from the rat race. This comprehensive, empowering training program walks you through the process of setting up your online business. You can pick different membership levels based on the level of support and training you need. Through SFM’s digital system you can learn digital marketing, starting from the basics to the most advanced. This system provides you with the support you need to sell world-class products or services, and includes hands-on learning step-by-step. Your education path is clearly set out for you, and each education module is concise, so you can quickly build on your previous knowledge as you learn how to run an online business. But, most importantly, this training program and the support from the SFM community empower you to do work you love, on your own terms.

“Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.”

Tony Robbins

Get started today with our brand new, FREE, powerful 4-part online training video-seriesincluding a special BONUS training, how to make your first 10k online and learn:

  • The exact steps to turn your interests into income.
  • Discover two simple business models you can start with immediately.
  • Develop the skills to create a life and business that you can sustain in any economic landscape.

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  • Without the need for any previous online business experience - and, best of all, without the need to sell, or convince.

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